Chapter 2

After taking one last glance to make sure the baby monitor was on, Sydney sighed as she sank down into the tub of hot water, closing her eyes as she slid down until the water covered every part of her body from the neck down. Her enjoyment of the hot water induced relaxation did not last long however as she suddenly heard her phone ringing shrilly. Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Sydney still up to get out of the tub, grabbing a towel to wrap around her as she ran to answer the phone.

“Hello?” she said into the phone in a tone of voice that did little to hide her annoyance.

“Agent Bristow?” a voice asked from the other end.

“Yes, this is one of them,” she replied.

Since the voice was female, Dr. Sanark assumed he had reached the right Bristow and so he said, “Agent Bristow, this Doctor Sanark at the hospital where your sister is being attended...”

The last of Sydney’s annoyance left, replaced with concern and dread, “Is Nadia all right?”

There was a smile in the doctor’s voice as he replied, “She’s fine, Agent Bristow. She’s come out of her coma and the effect of the Rambaldi serum seemed to have left her system.”

Sydney felt the need to sit down suddenly and she did in a nearby chair, unable to answer him. When Nadia had first been placed in the drug induced coma it was because the doctors had informed both her and Sloane that they hadn’t a clue as to what they could do to help Nadia out the Rambaldi induced zombie like state.

They hadn’t been very optimistic either at the chances of any sort of research helping her. Try as she might Sydney couldn’t recall a time she had seen such defeat written on his face, not even at his sentencing when he had been sentenced to to spend the rest of his natural life in prison.

In the brief time it took the guards to come to lead Sloane to the waiting transport that would take him to prison, the defeat had left his face. One of the guards grabbed Sloane’s arm before saying, “Let’s go.”

Arvin’s eyes met with Jack’s, sending a silent plea for just one moment of time, a nod from Jack halted the guards as he said, “Give us a moment.”

In the brief time it took the guards to come to lead Sloane to the waiting transport that would take him to prison, the defeat had left his face. One of the guards grabbed Sloane’s arm before saying, “Let’s go.”

Arvin’s eyes met with Jack’s, sending a silent plea for just one moment of time, a nod from Jack halted the guards as he said, “Give us a moment.”

The guard nodded, “We can give you 5 minutes but that’s all, Director Bristow.” Another nod from Jack the guards moved to the other side of the room to allow for some privacy while they kept their eyes on their prisoner.

“I know I don’t have the right to ask either of you to do anything for me,” Sloane began. He paused as though he expected a snide confirmation by Sydney to what he had just said, only continuing after it was apparent she wasn’t going to speak, “With the chance I may never see my daughter again, I need to know she will be cared for.”

“Nadia is my sister,” Sydney said, “You don’t even have to ask me to take care of her.”

Sloane nodded and then he looked Jack in the eye, “I have made arrangements to give you the power of attorney over Nadia.”

Sydney’s eye widen but Jack’s face remained stoic as he replied, “Very well.”

“Jack, promise me you will do everything you can to save Nadia, as if she were your own daughter,” Sloane said.

Sydney’s eyes left Sloane’s face as her father nodded his promise, “You have my word, Arvin.”

End Flashback
“Agent Bristow, hello?” Dr. Sanark’s voice interrupted her ruminations.

Shaking her head, Sydney forced herself to return to the conversation at hand, “My sister... is she herself?”

“I can’t really say that, Agent Bristow,” the doctor said, and quickly added, “But that is only because I did not know Miss Santos prior to her condition. However, I will say Miss Santos is fully cognizant again and she is wanting to see you as soon as possible.”

At that moment, Sydney heard the crying of her baby daughter, and she told the doctor she needed to go, “I will come to the hospital as soon as I can.”

“There’s no hurry, Agent Bristow, as I think Miss Santos has fallen asleep again anyway,” Dr. Sanark said.

Two hours later, Sydney walked into the hospital and was halted in her tracks by Caroline DuBanks...

Part 1   |   Part 3   |   Part 4   |   Part 5